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Poems & Books


Being a poet is not really a life plan, it is certainly not a sensible way to make a living, and most of your friends are not really that interested if they are being honest. Meanwhile, the words pour out sometimes, and now and then they come together in a way that fits just right. The best way to know if it's right is to get yourself out to an open mic and read your work! There will be the susurrus of listening, the little ah's and sighs that let you know you have hit the mark. I have two books published and I'm working on the next one. Here is a cover shot of the first.


I am immensely grateful for the support of the creative community in western Massachusetts that fosters so much good writing and encourages so many brave readers and spoken word pioneers. 


All the poetry on this page is my original work. Most has been published, not all. Don't steal from me please, if you share my work give attribution and send me a note to let me know where my words travel to.


You can order books directly from me, or on Amazon.

Dina reading live at the Garlic & Arts Festival ~ 2019



from our fathers we are gifted

half the sky

the rest we must fly on our own


from our mothers we are gifted

half the earth

the rest we must dig on our own


I'm not sure how it is

that we begin to know

in our fingers in our hearts


how to spin threads of continuity

through & through to sustain

a coherent existence


in the grace of a last breath

it is this quilt of

sewn together elements


all of sky

all of earth

pierced & pulled whole


just then a summation


with this self made cloth

we cover our bodies our faces

when finally our eyes have closed




I forgot to ask


Poem for Pesach


all my might




not fucking around


dressing to feel pretty

in gimp city


(you can even hear me read!)


forest for the trees ds~2020.jpg

Piper, Adventure Dog!

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'Keening' is one of the poems included Old Bones & True Stories.



my dog died & I can't

remember who I am

nothing smells right


the house is too quiet

the squirrels grow bold

the neighbor's cats too


other dogs bicycles &
passerby go unchallenged

deliveries & visitors unheralded


the crows have no nemesis

to scold or tease
the rabbits think they’ve won


at inopportune moments

I want only to
rock on my haunches


let my head fall back

with my throat open wide howling into the silence

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