Signs of Life
Coming up soon! NOVEMBER 4-6, 2022
Leaning In
End-of-life Doula Retreat
nourish the mind ~ support the heart
Practical Workshops & Good Company
Doula Self Care 101 - Making Personal Altars, with Susannah Crolius
Body Basics & Last Hours- fluids, secretions, comfort measures &
non-medical interventions for delirium & terminal agitation
After-death Body Care for EOLDs - legalities, resources, and encouragement
VSED - short films and discussion
A Doula's Grief Navigator Toolkit
How to Set a Sliding Fee Scale
Doula Self Care 201 ~ Making Bone Broth
(w/a vegetarian option)
The Leaning In EOLD Retreat is an opportunity for practicing end-of-life doulas to gather and learn, share, create, collaborate, and play. We are each part of a dynamic community of practitioners, yet most of us fly solo. Leaning In is a place where we can hang out and 'talk shop' while tuning up our skills.
Click on the apple for more info & registration.
For more information contact:
sponsored by Last Dance Shrouds & the Northeast Death Care Collaborative